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Buying Guide for Baby Diapers

Buying Guide for Baby Diapers

Buying Guide for Baby Diapers

Types of Baby Diapers

The most common types of disposable baby diapers that you will come across are –

1. Pant Style Diapers

For older babies, pant style diapers are much preferred because they can be easily pulled up like underwear. The sides can be easily removed to dispose or change it.

2. Taped Style Diapers

These are more suitable for newborn babies when you place their bum on the diaper and fasten the sides. This way you don’t have to lift a young and move him while changing.

3. Swim Diapers

These diapers are specifically meant for babies who wish to have fun in the water. They are made of superior absorbency power material that neither lets fluids in nor out.

4. Training Diapers

These are underwear shape diapers with the larger surface area but thinner material. These are used during the potty training phase of babies.

5. Preemie Diapers

Specially made to cater to the needs of premature babies; these diapers come in smaller sizes than regular diapers with a provision to accommodate the umbilical stump that may still be healing.

How to Select Baby Diapers?

Choosing the best baby diapers requires a lot of trial and error. Each diaper brand has its unique features on offer and parents use a combination of their criteria to arrive on the best baby diaper. Some common factors that may influence the buying decision of a parent worth respect to baby diapers are –

1. Absorbency power

Since each baby is unique a diaper that may hold a baby’s urine for several hours may get soiled soon when used on a baby who pees often. Some mothers don’t mind changing the diaper frequently during the day but want a diaper that will absorb the urine all through the night. All diaper brands mention the number of hours for its usage, and some even have a wetness indicator which suggests when it is the time to change. For people on the go, they may want to put off changing diapers frequently and look for maximum absorbency in diapers.

2. Price

Affordability is a prime factor when it comes to choosing the best baby diapers. Since diapers are used every day for at least the first two years of your baby’s life, you need to be well aware of the prices of various brands. Grab jumbo packs which usually are more economical and look out for exciting offers online. If you happen to equally like two brands, go for the one that costs less.

3. Fit

Since diapers are worn by babies most of the times, it is essential that they fit well. Covers of diaper packs indicate the weight of the baby they are designed. However, you will need to choose the best diaper basis for your baby’s shape as well. For instance, if an M sized diaper packs is apt for babies 7-12 kgs in weight, babies who are chubbier and short may find it tight.

4. Availability

Thankfully, online portals like Amazon and Flipkart have made it possible for most people to buy what they want online. You may not find all brands and variants everywhere, so it is always best to stock up with your preferred pack of diapers. If you don’t shop online, see what is conveniently available in your neighborhood medical store.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right baby diaper is crucial in the baby’s initial years. You will spend quite a lot of money on buying baby diapers for at least the first two years. A comfortable, dry baby is happier and does not fuss unnecessarily, and minimum fuss ensures a parents’ peace of mind. Do check multiple brands to finally select one that fits your budgets and needs. Comparing the available options online and offline will help you make an informed choice.

Baby Diapers Frequently Asked Questions

1) Which is the best diaper for a baby in India?

Pampers baby diaper brand is our top choice among the list of best diaper brands in India because of the soft, stretchy sides and skin protection mechanism to offer comfort. Also, it keeps the baby’s skin dry for 12 hours without causing allergies.

2) Are organic diapers safe to use for newborns?

Organic diapers are safe to use for newborn babies as they are manufactured using plant extracts like cotton, hemp, bamboo and offer extreme comfort throughout the usage.

3) What materials are used for manufacturing baby diapers?

A normal diaper is made using polypropylene, polyethylene, cellulose, polymer, small amounts of tapes, elastics, and other adhesive materials to support the baby’s overall health.

4) How much weight does a baby diaper support?

Check out the given below table to start using diapers for your kids and also know the age groups the weights.

Baby Age Supported Diaper Weight
Up to 2 weeks 4.5 Kgs
4 to 6 months 6.5 kgs
6 months to 1 year 10 to 12 kgs
1 year to 3 years 15 kgs or more

5) What is the recommended age for using diapers?

As suggested by the doctors, it is good to start using diapers from day one to newborns and continue till 3 years.


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